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Lecture 8: Curvature & Oversquashing in GNNs - Francesco Di Giovanni
Understanding Over-Squashing and Bottlenecks on Graphs via Curvature | Jake Topping & F. Di Giovanni
Lecture 9: GNNs as Dynamic Systems - Francesco Di Giovanni
Understanding over-squashing and bottlenecks on graphs via curvature | Ricci Flow | Paper Explained
[230609 Seminar] Understanding Over-Squashing and Bottlenecks on Graphs via Curvature
Tutorial: Graph Rewiring: From Theory to Applications in Fairness
[APCTP Focus] Q-curvature and Path Intergral Complexity
110320_Oversmoothing of GNNs and its Solutions
Lecture 7: From Equivariance to Naturality - Pim de Haan
Melanie Weber: Discrete Curvature and Applications in Representation Learning
On the Bottleneck of Graph Neural Networks and its Practical Implications | Authors explain ML Paper
ECS 289G Talk: On the Bottleneck of Graph Neural Networks and its Practical Implications